An EU 'common forestry policy' in the making - UKIP MEP Stuart Agnew UKIP MEPs 3:33 9 years ago 149 Далее Скачать
An EU 'common forestry policy' in the making UKIP MEP Stuart Agnew UKIP Eastern 3:33 9 years ago 14 Далее Скачать
EU Forest Strategy: You are complicit in a Commission power grab - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 3:17 7 years ago 584 Далее Скачать
"New EU Forest Strategy": A 2020 Global-Warming Fallacy - Stuart Agnew MEP @UKIP UKIP MEPs 1:40 10 years ago 465 Далее Скачать
EU legislation is killing organic farming - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 6:31 9 years ago 654 Далее Скачать
Commissioner Hogan wants to ignore fact that EU has no treaty competence over forestry UKIP MEPs 6:19 8 years ago 242 Далее Скачать
UKIP MEP Stuart Agnew questions Commissioner Hogan on Basic Payment Scheme and methane emissions UKIP MEPs 9:59 9 years ago 546 Далее Скачать
EU wants farmers to change the climate - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 1:13 13 years ago 306 Далее Скачать
EU wants each farmer to have annual programme on climate change - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 4:49 6 years ago 349 Далее Скачать
'Canaries in the mine' show herbicide is not hazardous - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 1:59 7 years ago 150 Далее Скачать
Emissions red tape that will make every farmer shudder - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 7:32 12 years ago 403 Далее Скачать
EU interference not helping dairy market - UKIP MEP Stuart Agnew UKIP MEPs 2:16 9 years ago 259 Далее Скачать
Best practices in resource efficient and innovative agriculture - questions by Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 4:32 8 years ago 131 Далее Скачать
Preventing the spread of animal desease across Europe - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 10:19 11 years ago 484 Далее Скачать
UKIP MEP Stuart Agnew tests Green MEP on climate computer models UKIP MEPs 1:48 11 years ago 1 088 Далее Скачать
Forest policy processes i Europe Mobile clip41 13 Skönhet och kvinnor 3:01 9 years ago 23 Далее Скачать
How will the EU aim to 'stamp out' disease afflicting wild boar? - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 6:33 7 years ago 424 Далее Скачать